
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Fighting Against Prejudice Essay

The Pirates of the Caribbean, set in the Caribbean Sea in the 17th century is a good example of negative prejudice. Gore Verbinski, the film director, highlights the negative prejudice using different techniques. There are two types of prejudice, negative and positive. Negative prejudice is prejudging someone in a wrong way based on their appearance or behavior. For instance, Commodore Norington from the French Military government just presumed that pirates are evil, lying, deceitful thieves who drink all day and just linger around anywhere. However, in the movie it was established that not all pirates are the same. As an example, Captain Jack Sparrow, pirate and captain of The Black Pearl sailing ship, seemed strange and ridiculous, but in fact he is a very honorable man. Furthermore, Jack helped young William Turner rescue Lady Swan from an evil band of pirates which were also the former crew of Jack Sparrow. Prejudging pirates based on stories told about them, is erroneous and neg ative. The movie director used numerous techniques to emphasize the theme of prejudice. One of the techniques used is montage through editing. This type of montage indicates that the camera films a particular scene through diverse angles using a variation of movements including panning and traveling. Panning means that there is a stationary camera which rotates horizontally and a traveling camera moves itself horizontally. For instance, in the quarrelling scene between Jack and William, this is effective since the audience is given both perspectives, from each of the people fighting and highlights William’s feeling towards pirates. Another technique that was used to emphasize prejudice is the tone and attitude of a scene. These two techniques were made possible by using a combination of close shot selection, medium camera angle and increasingly suspenseful music. Through these filming methods, the dueling scene conveys a strong prejudice feeling and a suspenseful mood. Close shot selection indicates that the camera was filming at a very close range to the subjects, which gives the audience the feeling that they are actually inside the action. Therefore, in the fighting action, the viewer feels that they are in the same room where Jack and William are fighting. When the camera is filming the scene at eye level, this is called medium camera angle. This helps underline a point because the audience is feeling that the characters from the movie are actually speaking to them. When William and Jack were dueling, they also talked to each other. Whenever one of them said something, the camera was using medium angle filming and it resulted in giving the viewer the sensation that one of the characters are talking to them. Moreover, in this type of scene there is increasingly suspenseful music which means that the music keeps the audience engrossed in the film and the music makes the viewer eager to find out what is going to happen next in the scene. Also, the music assists in dramatizing prejudice by keeping the audience in suspense. There is also another technique which is sometimes used to realize a point in a film; rate of film movement. This technique uses different types of frame motions, stop, slow, normal and fast motion. In the quarrelling scene, normal motion was used because this rate of film is as fast as real life motion and the audience has a richer experience with the negative prejudice that is projected in the fighting between Jack and William. These series of techniques articulate prejudice in the fighting scene between Jack and William because the eye level filming provides the audience with the ability to understand what each character is feeling about the other one. In the beginning scene, William Turner wanted to kill Jack Sparrow only based on the fact that he is a pirate. In this scene, there is a high camera angle as it is looking down at the scene and the camera was traveling and craning around the two characters. Furthermore, while William and Jack were skirmishing, the camera lenses were zoomed in especially when the swords were clashing and the music became intense and suspenseful to emphasize how much William was driven by negative prejudice against pirates. Besides the camera and music, there is potential montage -conflict of light: light vs. dark, which resulted in an overall darker picture since most of the light seeped into the blacksmith setting through the cracks in the wood. This technique stresses the dark side of the pirate, as perceived through William’s eyes. Moreover, after Jack Sparrow was defeated, William gave him a chance to escape from jail conditional – to save Lady Swan from the evil pirates of The Black Pearl. Hence, after fighting one another and learning more about each other, Jack Sparrow and William Turner formed a perceptive team. Despite the fact that Jack Sparrow is a pirate, it was proven that a friendship can be built between two people that belong to different worlds. Another example of negative prejudice is that no matter that the pirates saved a person’s life they are still judged and prosecuted as bad people. For instance, when the Governor’s daughter, Elizabeth Swan fainted and fell into the sea from a few hundred feet above, the two guards patrolling the docks were unable to save her because they were arguing which one to save her. However, Jack Sparrow without conditions dove into the sea to save Lady Swan. This scene was filmed at close range amid the docks and the camera was panning throughout the frames. These techniques were used to make the audience feel that they are actually helping to save Lady Swan. Another factor that made the scene look very realistic was the use of natural lighting and older English dialogue used by the characters. Even though Jack Sparrow rescued Elizabeth, the Governor and Commodore Norington saw the markings of a pirate on his left forearm, immediately they ordered to hang Jack Sparrow. In this scene, the camera filmed at a very close shot selection and there was a moment of silence, indicating that Jack Sparrow, the savior of Lady Swan, was indeed a pirate. As a result, this is yet another example of negative prejudice against pirates. Jack Sparrow had proven himself a noble man by saving the Governor’s daughter and was still sentenced because of what he was. In the Pirates of the Caribbean, numerous film techniques were used to emphasize and develop the theme of prejudice such as montage, camera movement, angle, and traveling camera. Whilst prejudice means â€Å"prejudgment,† there seems to be a moment where the facts are overwhelming the prejudgments. Therefore, in the ending scene of the movie, the Commodore and General accepted the reality and they spared Jack Sparrow’s life by a day. Prejudging a group of people only based on someone experience is wrong. Each individual might have qualities or defects, positive or negative characteristics.

19th Century Theories in Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment Essay

19th Century Theories in Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment â€Å"I teach you the Superman. Man is something that has to be surpassed. What have you done to surpass him? † These words said by Friedrich Nietzsche encompass the theories present in Dostoevsky’s nineteenth century novel, Crime and Punishment. Fyodor Dostoevsky, living a life of suffering himself, created the character of Raskolnikov with the preconceptions of his own sorrowful and struggling life. Throughout his exile in Siberia from 1849-1859, his sentiments of suffering, sorrow, and the common man surfaced and heightened, inspiring him to begin writing Crime and Punishment in 1859. The main motif in this novel is that of suffering. It is apparent that all characters, major and minor, experience some sort of internal or external affliction. The overall theme of the work is that all mortal men suffer, and that salvation can not be obtained unless this anguish is present. Dostoevsky’s protagonist, Raskolnikov, must evolve and realize this fact to overcome his conflicts and reach the salvation of peace and tranquillity. Volumes and volumes of critique can be written on where this suffering originated, but Dostoevsky’s main concentration and focus is not where, but why suffering must exist and how this suffering can be overcome. See more:  First Poem for You Essay This is seen from the fact that throughout the six sections of the novel, only one section is focused on the origin of the torment – the Crime, and the remaining five sections are concentrated on Raskolnikov’s path to overcoming this anguish – the Punishment. By focusing solely on the punishment, the internal and external conflicts that arise within the novel do not only provide Raskolnikov’s own philosophy of the path toward salvation, but encompasses that of the German philosopher Nietzsche, as well as his contemporaries. Raskolnikov’s justifications for his actions are relayed in his own Extraordinary Man Theory, which states that there are two classifications of men in the world: ordinary, and extraordinary. He wanted prove that he was extraordinary, that he could commit a crime as horrid as murder, but because he did it for the betterment of society, he would feel no sympathy or regret for his justified actions. In following Raskolnikov’s theory, it becomes apparent from where his conceptions originate. Though the whole work encompasses the philosophies of all the nineteenth century theorists, Raskolnikov’s ideas spawn from that of Friedrich Nietzsche and Georg Wilhelm Hegel. Since it has already been established that the entire novel contains theories of its era, to begin an analysis in regard to the novel’s main ideas evolving from the concepts of merely Nietzsche or Hegel would, in a way, belittle the importance of the remaining non-Hegelian nineteenth century philosophers. By analyzing the ideologies of the major theorists from Father to Fruitcake (Kierkegaard to Freud) with respect to Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky’s intentions, motifs, and ideas can be interpreted with ease. Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) believed that truth is both power and suffering. He is often noted as the Father of Existentialism, an innovated modern belief that life has no meaning, and that we must live life just for the sake of living, and nothing else. To know the truth about life and the individuals living it would be a form of powerful knowledge incomprehensible to man. The truth is – Life is suffering. Kierkegaard believed that man was blessed with the greatest gift of all – free will, but this free will creates decisions, and decisions generate emotions. Emotions are the key to the suffering of man. Happiness creates a fear in losing prosperity, fear leads to anger toward life’s unjust ways, anger leads to hatred of life in general, and hatred leads to the suffering of the individual mind. This is the path of the common man, the man who â€Å"thinks† that life can be blissful. The existential man â€Å"believes† that life has no meaning, no substance, and no path for happiness. He is the man who knows and accepts that all things, good and evil, exist, including suffering. This is why the existential man is indifferent toward the benefits and consequences of life. Raskolnikov believes that The Extraordinary Man feels no suffering and no pain. He is the man who can break the laws, transgress the laws, and make the laws. Raskolnikov believed that if he were extraordinary, he could commit any crime, even the crime of murder, and walk away from it indifferent, apathetic, and without emotion. What he did not realize was the main point of Kierkegaard’s philosophy, that no matter what – man suffers. Raskolnikov thought that he could avoid the truth and avoid suffering. It is not until he confesses to both Porfiry and Sonia, which coincidentally is the same instant that his own pain begins to vanquish, that he fully understands and believes in the suffering of man. Georg Wilhelm Hegel (1770-1831), another prominent philosopher of the nineteenth century, hypothesized a dialectic method for the analysis and comprehension of history. He believed that all events in time move in a teleological fashion contrary to the popular belief of a circular path. Hegel stated that history, rather than repeating itself, learns and moves forward toward a purpose. In his theory this purpose is the freedom of all men in a rational state, and moving toward such a beneficial purpose justifies all good and evil events in history. The dialectic method also consisted of a diagram regarding this teleological path. Hegel believed that history is made up of a series of events all corresponding to a thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. The thesis and antithesis serve as the conflict in history, while the synthesis becomes the result. In Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov is the thesis, the symbol of good intentions, while Svidrigailov is the antithesis, the epitome and reality of evil and suffering. With the battle of good and evil comes salvation, or the synthesis, in this case – Sonia, the representation and key to Raskolnikov’s salvation. This method can also be viewed in the perspective of Dostoevsky’s primary concentrations. With that respect the crime can be viewed as the symbol of good intentions. Raskolnikov killed Alyona because she represented the evil in society. Because her death would be a blessing and benefit to the world he believed his crime would be justified. The punishment can be viewed as the reality of suffering. It is not until after he commits the crime that Raskolnikov realizes that all men in fact do suffer. The key is to overcome this suffering instead of avoiding it. The salvation can be viewed as the redemption and end to suffering – the result of the crime and of the punishment. This analysis also maps Hegel’s teleological perspective because the novel moves in a linear fashion. The Crime (thesis) encompasses Part I of the novel, the Punishment (antithesis) is demonstrated in Parts II-VI, and the salvation (synthesis) is introduced in the epilogue. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844- 1900) did not believe in the suffering of all men. He believed that there existed a superman, a powerful individual that lived for self-gratification and nothing else. The Nietzschean superman asserts his own power to situations while he watches the common and ordinary man suffer because of life’s imperfections. This man needs no justification in his actions, because as long as he has satisfied himself, then his dominance over others requires no reason. Nietzsche also believed that in order to become a superman, an individual must surpass the common man. He must have no qualms or regrets in his actions, and above all, he must not fear his actions or consequences. â€Å"Fear is the mother of morality,† it is an emotion only known to ordinary men. A superman has no fear. Perhaps the character of Svidrigailov emits the best example of a Nietzschean superman in the novel. He is the epitome of evil and lives only for self-gratification. His downfall to his superman visage is suicide. Death is the escape to suffering. Svidrigailov feared its company, and in turn, took his own life to avoid it. Raskolnikov on the other hand, did not avoid suffering – he conquered it. Though before his crime he did ask the Hegelian question of â€Å"Will this crime serve a noble purpose,† he also asks the Nietzschean question of â€Å"Do I dare commit this murder and therefore prove myself to be a man by proving that my will is strong? † It is after this that he commits the crime and begins to endure this suffering. Unlike his rival, Svidrigailov, Raskolnikov overcomes his pain through salvation with the help of Sonia, ends his isolation, and returns to the humanity of society. Karl Marx (1818-1883) believed that society was the root of suffering. His common man, the proletarian, struggled because of the capitalistic bourgeoisie. He believed that â€Å"the proletariat goes through various stages of development. † The first stage is the struggle against the bourgeois, which later turns to suffering. Through the growth of the masses, the final stages of the common man of strength and victory evolve. The goal and path of the Marxist man is to emerge from being a mere commodity of society into being a creative and active member of it. The strength that allows him to do this is the realization that he is suffering because he lives for others, and his victory is obtained by overcoming this anguish through the bond of the proletariat. Though Raskolnikov does not face the same pain of worthlessness as the proletariat, he develops in the same fashion. He struggles against his inner emotions of reason and morality, and suffers because of it. Though Sonia and Porfiry contribute to his salvation, it is Raskolnikov himself that overcomes his emotions. He does not need the bond of the masses to aid him in his survival and path toward salvation; he only needs the bond of his inner rational and emotion states. This is why Raskolnikov survives. In 1859 the theorist Charles Darwin (1809-1882) published a controversial book of survival entitled The Origin of Species. In this work Darwin established that an organism’s evolution or devolution in life is representative of their ability to conform, adjust, and survive within the harshness of its environment. This theory of â€Å"survival of the fittest,† later became the coined theme of Social Darwinism. Social Darwinism believes that man survives and prospers in nature because he is the organism that is fit enough to do so. In a battle between man verses nature, and even man versus society, only the strong shall survive, while the weak will parish. Faith and belief no longer have any bearing on the members of tomorrow’s society, only strength.   his theory is presented many times in Crime and Punishment. Alyona and Lizaveta both perish because they are not capable of defeating Raskolnikov. Alyona also did not survive because Raskolnikov’s beliefs were stronger than her will and intentions. Svidrigailov cannot conquer the constraints society has placed upon him, and in turn, he commits suicide. The only exception to this theory is Raskolnikov. His inner strength of intelligence may be strong, but his physical and emotional abilities do not coincide with Darwin’s notion of fit. Raskolnikov’s survival is from his redemption. He reaches salvation because he chooses to, and therefore he survives because he chooses to. He does this through his own realization and rationalization. The psychologist and theorist Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) believed that an individual’s decisions are not always determined by the rational state of mind. He believed that all humans possess three distinct decision making chambers of human behavior. He refers to the first of these as the id. The id is the childhood and instinctual need of the individual. This is the sector that satisfies an individual’s wants and desires, accomplishing them at no fear of risk. The second portion of human behavior is referred to as the ego. The ego is the rationalist, the sector that makes decisions that benefit the individual and society. Freud believed that the majority of all individuals make decisions based on their ego. The final and third division of an individual’s behavior is called the superego. The superego is the ideal individual. This individual makes decisions that should be made; he does things the way they should be done in his opinion, and no matter what the results may be, has no reason for regret. Though most of the characters in the novel make decisions based upon their ego, it is evident and apparent that Raskolnikov does not. He knows what he believes to be right and wrong, and tries to right the wrongs in society with his superego. Though he is the only one to use his superego, all of the other Freudian sections of human decisions exist in the work. Throughout the novel, Svidrigailov uses his id. His encounters with women, prosperity, and fortune are not prolific because he deserves them, but because he wants them. It is his id that leads him to his desire for an end to suffering, and his death near the end of the novel. Sonia and Dounia both rationalize their actions through their ego. Though Sonia does not and should not be a prostitute, she knows that it is the only way for her family to survive. Dounia is in a similar predicament. She did not wish to marry Luzhin, but his wealth and proposal to help Raskolnikov rationalized her to stay. Later, her ego permits her to marry Razumihin for his compassion, admiration, and companionship. This use of the id, ego, and superego supply a Freudian element to Dostoevsky’s work. With all of these theories analyzed, computed, and settled, we can end this critique where we began: â€Å"I teach you the Superman. Man is something that has to be surpassed. What have you done to surpass him? † Is Raskolnikov a Superman? Well, he follows Kierkegaard’s existential statement of â€Å"I believe, therefore I am,† which means that he surpasses the common man who merely â€Å"thinks. † Through the ideas of Hegel, his teleological movements from crime to punishment all serve a justified purpose in benefiting his moral and rational states. He overcomes the common man through the salvation he obtains from this linear evolution of trials. He suffers not from Marxist classes, but from internal struggle, excluding him as a member of the proletariat, or common man. Though not physically or emotionally fit to survive, his confession becomes his salvation, his survival, and his disclaimer in the Darwin theory of surviving. The common man may survive because he is fit to survive, but Raskolnikov survives because he chooses to survive. Unlike Freud’s theory that the everyday man lives his life through his ego, Raskolnikov makes his decisions based on his superego, doing things not just because it would be rational, but because that it the way it should be done. So then, â€Å"Is Raskolnikov a Superman? † Yes.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Laugh, live, Smile.. today.. for who knows there may or may not be a tomorrow

Around some eighteen years ago, a miracle happened and a guy was born, yes u guessed it right, that guy was me. I was born in a town called Kanpur. Kanpur is my maternal place. I have lived most the summer vacations during my childhood over there. Since my father has a transferable job, I got to live in various cities, explore different culture and make tons of friends. I started my schooling from a school called National Convent School, Mirzapur. I did my LKG and UKG over there. Then I along with my mom, shifted to my Aunt’s place in Haridwar. She used to treat me like her own son.She was the one who recognized the hidden talent of singing in me. She sent me for the formal training in vocal music to a music teacher whom I consider my guru. I have always been a lazy lad, to overcome my laziness, she then sent me to the Taekwondo sessions in the evening. She is a lady of values & virtues. Discipline is in her blood. I have learned a lot from her. As she was an extensive travele r, I got to travel & explore the hilly regions of Uttarakhand. After the two amazing years in Haridwar,I along with my mom shifted to Kanpur and we started living with my grandparents.I took admission in DPS Kanpur and my mother was a teacher in another school. An year passed and I got promoted in fifth standard. Now here comes an interesting phase of my life. It was during the starting of the new session,I still remember the sequence. I was sitting forward in the extreme left row and then came a girl whom I had never seen,she came inside the class and went towards my parallel row and sat at the back bench. Now she bacame the first crush of my life,officially! Her name was Samya. †When she was around,I could just feel myself blush, the adrenaline in my blood was such a rush†!As time passed,our relationship changed from just friends into best friends. Even though, I was the most notorious element of the class, my teachers still used to love me a lot. My favourite teacher was Monica ma’am who was also our class-teacher. I still remember an incident when in class sixth,a mate asked our class teacher that â€Å"When all the naughty elements were eliminated ,then why did u still keep Tanay in the section? †Ma’am clearly replied†Because he is my favourite and I love him a lot! † It were the summer vacations of class sixth when came a point that I had to shift to Agra where my Dad was already posted.I was very desperate to move back with my Dad since it had been four long years I had been living away from him. But at the same time leaving the school without meeting anyone unexpectedly was a disheartening moment too. I missed them a long time and I am still in touch with them. Although my span of stay in Agra was short, but I have had a wonderful time there. With my Dad’s transfer came the most amazing city of my life. This time it was Banaras!! Banaras is a place where I turned from a child to a teenager to almost a n adult!My major upbringing happened to be in Varanasi. My mom got me admitted to DPS Varanasi which was the seventh and finally the last school of my life. I spent five most amazing years in my last school. When it comes to academics, I have always been a mediocre, even though I did achieve full marks in Maths, once in class Eighth, second time in class Tenth. My list of friends is quite long to describe. During this six years of my stay in Kashi,it has given me a lot,one of them is Ashu whom I often refer as Mota-Bhai who is not just a friend but a brother in literal.I usually don’t call every second friend of mine as bro,but when I do,mind it,I mean it!! It was the pre-sports day 2008. After I got selected for the long jump,I saw a pretty girl who was already staring at me. The moment I saw her,I was just astonished. Later on I came to know about her easily via different sources as I was quite social among the seniors. So yes,my first love was an year senior to me. The res t part of story is past. All I know is that feeling never came ever and I still respect her as I did once. One always remembers his first love. Its an out of this world feeling.When she was gone,I was heart broken. This incident has taught me that life goes on,no matter who comes,who goes. We make life harder than it to be. The difficulties started when†¦ conversations became texting, feelings became subliminal, the word ‘love’ fell out of context, trust faded as honesty waned, insecurities became a way of living, jealously became a habit, being hurt started to feel natural, and running away from it all became our solution. Stop running! Face these issues, fix the problems, communicate, appreciate, forgive and LOVE the people in your life who deserve it.The best part of my life started after entering into Symbiosis. I always wanted a sister,I asked for one and Symbi gifted me two real sisters from non-biological mothers! One is Honey,my besty who is a careless craz y freak and a party animal like me,a complete replica of my personality but has a delicate heart. Ridzi,d other one,d sweet one is a complete contrast of me and Honey. She treats me like her younger brother. We often dance on ‘‘shinchan shinchan† together,Ridzi being into the character of Himavari. We do not remember days, we remember moments.Too often we try to accomplish something big without realizing that the greatest part of life is made up of the little things. My way is to live authentically and cherish each precious moment of my journey and live life to its fullest core. I wanna fly high and live while I am young. I believe that if I will seek for peace,happiness will automatically follow my way. Because when you finally arrive at your desired destination, u don’t remember the destination,you remember the journey. So for today I ll laugh,I ll live and I ll smile for who knows there may or may not be a tomorrow.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Legal Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Legal Studies - Essay Example When the appellee (Katko) trespassed on the uninhabited house to steal old bottles and fruit jars, which cost less than $20, gives the implication that the owner of the said house has the right to impose self defense for their property against him (appellee) and his companion. Adhering to the principle of self defense, then the defendants are right to say that they have the right to defend their property. What would be erroneous so speak is the means employed to protect their belongings. One of the requisites of self-defense is the â€Å"reasonable necessity of the means employed.† Using shotgun that could inflict serious physical injuries or even death defies this requisite in self defense knowing the fact that it could not even put the lives of the owners at risk because, as mentioned, it has been uninhabited for several years. As one of the justice who concurs, Moore, said â€Å"the primary issue presented here is whether an owner may protect personal property in an unoccu pied boarded-up farm house against trespassers and thieves by a spring gun capable of inflicting death or serious injury.† Thus, the means employed (the shotgun) is too ruthless to use in defending an unoccupied old farm house from trespassers.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

From Schumpeter to Open Innovation Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

From Schumpeter to Open Innovation - Thesis Example To some people who have not grasped the true import of design in innovation, design is still descriptive of the superficial polish of neater appliances and cleaner graphics. This, however, is far from the truth (Sandberg, 2011). Today’s business trends are dictated by customers. It is an established fact that today’s buyers are not interested in procuring products but will spend money to purchase ‘meanings’. There are different ways in which people use the things they buy; most of these are due to socio-cultural, psychological, or utilitarian reasons. Innovation, in today’s business scene, is inextricably connected with design. The whole subject of design has grown to be a significant benefit for numerous industries. It also functions as an important tool in warding off commoditization. Business analysts have discovered in past researches that all manufactured goods and services being traded in industrial markets have an inherent meaning (Verganti, 2009). Companies, therefore, ought to focus on more than just functions, features, and the performance of manufactured products and seek to comprehend the true meanings given to products and services by consumers. Such meanings cannot be innovated but have to be recognized by manufacturers. User-centered viewpoints have brought about powerful methods for appreciating how consumers give meaning to the products that they purchase. There are companies that have used design to revolutionalize their entire way of doing business while also accruing massive profits. Corporations such as ‘Google’ and ‘Apple’ are now way ahead of their business rivals as a result of their efforts in placing design at the forefront of their corporate objectives of innovation (Lockwood, 2009). The researchers that make products for these firms actually seem to be able to read the minds of their consumers even before the consumers themselves are aware of what they will

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Shawshank Redemption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Shawshank Redemption - Essay Example In Shawshank Redemption, the major themes revolve around the power of intelligence, the power of friendship and the power of hope. In the movie, Shawshank redemption, one could appreciate how the power of intelligence becomes portrayed. The character Andy on arrival to Shawshank prison, asked his friend Red to help him procure a rock hammer, polishing cloth and a large poster of Rita Hayworth. Nobody actually knew the importance of these 3 things until one day when Andy made an escape to Mexico after boring a hole through the prison walls. In addition, it is via Andy’s intelligence after helping the prison guard with family and financial issues while working at the prison’s license plate factory that he managed to secure a job as a person who did their paper work. Just from that simple act of intelligence, Andy managed to secure a status where he became protected from the notorious prison gang called Sisters that used to molest him. In addition, through his intelligence , he manages to secure a place as the prison’s librarian and expands it more in a century. Through his association with the guards, he managed to do money laundering business ran by Norton. Andy therefore gained much reputation in prison and ultimately became the people’s hero as he escaped prison, leading to Norton giving up on the search and resigning. Intelligence has been demonstrated in many prison movies, for instance Prison Break. In Prison break for instance, the main character, Michael Scofield uses his wit in order to get his brother out of prison. Prison break is majorly a season that depicts how intelligence could be of great value in evading problematic situations. The character Andy could be likened to Michael Scofield in Prison Break as both used intelligence to break out of prison. In relation to the theme, in my past experience, I have been saved a lot by depicting some act of intelligence and highly appreciate its use in real life. In Shawshank Redemp tion, power of friendship remains a theme that gets depicted entirely in the film. Andy on arrival at Shawshank made friends with Red. It is via the friendship that Andy managed to secure the very items that his used in plotting his escape. Andy asked Red to secure for him a rock hammer, polishing cloth and a poster of Rita Hayworth. If not for being friends, Red would not have secured these items for Andy. In addition, Red always was present to talk and console Andy after being mishandled by the gang called Sisters. It is while working at the prison’s license plate factory, that Andy made a deal that saw his friends get 3 beers while working at that place. In addition, in gaining favor from the prison guards and Norton, Andy managed to have his friends protected too from the gangs that used to torment in mates. As a sign and gratitude to true friendship, Andy had earlier on told Red about the money and the key in the mountain rocks near the prison that eventually led Reds to joining him in Mexico. Red on being released some few years after Andy’s escape, one day went to the area where he was told he would find a key, but got more than he had hoped for, a true friend asking Red to join him in Mexico. The movie ends with Red being overjoyed about meeting his prison and lifelong prison. In relation to Prison Break, Michael Scofield, cared and treated his brother as a

Monday, August 26, 2019

Practicum nursing service administration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Practicum nursing service administration - Essay Example ANA is a professional organization that represents interest of registered nurses in the US. The standards of professional performance by ANA describes the behavioral competency in the role of the profession in activities that commensurate with quality while providing care; education; and appraisal of performance among many others. It has its constituents that such as state nurses association and other affiliate organizations that aid in its practices. It promotes nursing profession by advocating for high level or standard practices in nursing; ensuring that the rights of nurses are catered for at the work place; and liaising with regulatory agencies and as well as the congress on issues concerning healthcare that affect the public and nurses. Nurses have an obligation to integrate ethical conducts in the different facets of their practices. There are ethical codes that guide these practices such as interpretive statements for nurses. Furthermore, the nurses in the profession have a m andate not only to establish and maintain professional therapeutic and patients and nurse relationship but also discharge health care in such a way that the patient’s dignity, autonomy and rights are upheld. They are also required to make ethical decisions while at work; report cases that are incompetent and illegal; and maintain and ensure patients on confidentiality within the boundaries of regulations and legal requirements. The sole commitment of a nurse is the patient irrespective of individuals or groups of individuals. It is a nurse responsibility to be accountable for nursing practices and evaluate ideal and correct task delegation mechanisms that are consistent with their duties to provide maximum care for the patients (ANA, 2010). The codes of ethics also stipulate that nurses have self obligations or duties which entail having the responsibility of upholding integrity and preserving safety; and

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Research Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Research Project - Essay Example The new start up retail organization is seeking for required funds from several effective funding bodies in order to start the new business in the potential industry. There are two major funding options for the organization, such as lending capital from renowned commercial banks and borrowing funds from the angel investors. However, it is important for the organization to develop an effective business plan so that the funding bodies can believe that the particular business has huge potentiality. The new kitchen appliances retail organization can propose different financial institutions and commercial banks in order to borrow the start up business capital. It is true that the commercial banks and several financial institutions generally offer both secured and unsecured landings for business start up in order to meet the working capital requirement. The commercial banks usually offer unsecured loans to the start up business organizations depending upon the management’s judgement (Leach and Melicher, 2011, p.110). On the other hand, the banks generally offer the secured loans against the organizations’ deposited collaterals and securities. However, the unsecured loans usually do not demand any kind of collateral or security from the start up business organizations against the lending of loans as start up business capital. The commercial banks or different financial institutions usually provide unsecured loans to the business organizations in the form of corporate credits and overdrafts. Several angel investors are also can be considered as the important funding bodies for the start up kitchen appliances Retail Company. The angel investors are also considered as informal investors or business angels. These angel investors used to have vast experience about several business forms. These investors generally belong to the wealthy and rich businessman segments. The rich and affluent angel investors or the business angel generally provide the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Noteworthy Features of United Arab Emirates Research Paper - 1

Noteworthy Features of United Arab Emirates - Research Paper Example It is a vibrant civil society. The study also explores that folklore; education and sports play a vital role in society. UAE Architecture is an example of the combination of traditional and modern design. UAE society has built a new culture that is an example for different countries of the world. This new culture shows how a nonhomogeneous society builds a prosperous and rich country. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a diverse and multicultural society. It is home to different ethnic groups from different parts of the world. This article is about the important features of UAE society and culture. The article first gives a brief description of the concept of society and culture. Then it discusses the features of UAE society and culture thru this concept. The fundamental element of a society is a human being, an individual. A large number of individuals who live in a geographical area and share (â€Å"The cultural concept†) certain laws, customs, beliefs, norms, languages build a society. The individuals of a society may come from one ethnic group or diverse ethnic groups. If society consists of a diverse ethnic group of people, then the members of the society share different customs, beliefs, norms, and languages. The UAE society consists of diverse ethnic groups. How to define the culture of a society? There is no formal interpretation of culture. There ar e many understandings of the concept of culture. Some understanding of culture (â€Å"Culture and People†) relates to objects like music, art, food, and literature of a group of people. Edward B. Taylor (â€Å"What is culture†), an English Anthropologist, described culture as the behavior of the members of the society. Thru knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and habits members of the society express their behavior. According to Merriam Webster dictionary (â€Å"Culture†) culture is a set of customary beliefs, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group.  

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Success of Ford Motor Company Research Paper

The Success of Ford Motor Company - Research Paper Example According to the paper we highlight some of the issues mentioned in the case and support it with research in the automobile industry domain. The focus is restricted to the US automobile market; though we need to consider the global car market since the automobile industry is global in nature. Manufacturing, Research and Development and raw materials are often sourced from across the globe. Similarly, products manufactured in one country are often exported and sold in several other countries. Here, we are discussing the case in the context of the automotive industry in US. There are references to the global environment also. Some of the peripheral aspects of the case also deal with the global scenario. From this discussion it is clear that the company was operating in a highly competitive US market. The US market was marked by consumers who were facing the brunt of a slow-growth economy with several macro-economic indicators at an all-time low. Naturally, this led to the demand for highly efficient automobiles. The concerns were with maximizing the value of every dollar earned. This was applicable to all consumer durable products. The political setup was stable and emphasized robust economic growth. Socio-economic forces tended to be positive for all the consumer durable goods that dominated the market. The environment was technology intensive and it permeated to all classes of products, more especially in the area of communication services. In automobile industry, hybrid cars, electric vehicles and traditional gasoline and diesel vehicles with higher fuel efficiency were making their presence felt. The industry was driven by the car manufacturers. Supplier power was low since they could not bargain for higher prices easily. Additionally, there were more suppliers who could cater to automobile companies.

Green Field Enterprise Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Green Field Enterprise - Research Proposal Example The business would be aimed to incur profitability through the delivery of exceptional quality cuisines and specialty food and value creation for the customers in the United Kingdom market. The restaurants of Fortuna will appeal to customers of various demographics and would be a fine dining restaurant choice for both family and business purposes. The menu of Fortuna restaurants would be inspired from a range of various cuisines from all across the world. The personnel planning, management structure, marketing mix, operations management and financial forecasts are used to understand the feasibility and profitability of the Fortuna restaurant chains. The Fortuna chain of restaurants will be opened up with the aim of providing differentiated gourmet cuisines to all the generations of customers in the market of United Kingdom. The restaurant business would provide a wide variety of meals and dishes and would try to cater tom a wide variety of clientele. Fortuna restaurants would be characterized by a cosy and upscale atmosphere, a premium ambience, superior facilities, excellent customer services and a wide variety of cuisine specialties to create an overall exceptional fine dining experience for both the family and business customers in the market. The chain of restaurants would be established to operate as a main player in the food and hospitality sector of United Kingdom. The place would be suitable for quiet dining, business meetings as well as for celebrating special occasions and would thus be suitable for a variety of services for the customers (Kutratko, 2008, p.215). Fortuna will be established with the aim to create a great place for fine dining combined with excellent quality and wide variety of cuisines and an excellent dining atmosphere. The mission of Fortuna chain of restaurants is to become the restaurant preferred by a wide range of customers varying from

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Management accounting and decision making Essay Example for Free

Management accounting and decision making Essay According to Burger (2008) â€Å"Accounting is the language of business. A lot of people think its just numbers, but its really a lot more than that. There are a lot of areas outside of numbers that need to be looked at, processes and procedures, what the tone of the company is. Accounting will take you in just about any direction in a company. ~ Wade Becker, CPA, Beard, Miller Co. The job description of many professions is changing nowadays. The skills to perform a certain job require more skills to perform a particular job. If an example of Information Technology is to be taken then it is realized that once they were left to do IT related jobs or make computers work however, in today’s world IT professionals are now moving into higher level management positions which require them to perform many other tasks which may not be directly related to the their profession. Therefore, a stereotypical role of an accountant was once considered a â€Å"number person† but today’s era demands accounting professional to own and use interactive and communication skills to help with the decision making process across all areas of a business. In a managerial accounting world all professionals must communicate their ideas to other companies using ways which are tactful and effective. Siegel (2000) states that â€Å"Management accountants should be great communicators.† Durry C (1992) believes that management accounting is â€Å"concerned with providing information to managers –that is people inside an organization who direct and control the operations.† In the 19th Century financial accounting was considered to be the need of a society which later evolved to Management accounting. Management accounting became a prerequisite for more detailed information for stock control, product costing and decisions affecting the future. Accou nting is facing numerous challenges, as Elkington (1998) states â€Å"business people must increasingly recognise that the challenge now is to help to deliver simultaneously economic prosperity, environmental quality and social equity.† All this is making business managers to re-examine the practices that are currently led. Cokins G and Hicks D believe that Managerial accounting is part of an organisations management information system. To follow any business or an organisation aim managers engage in activities which involve an effective cost model as it can be a great asset to an organisation. A business or projects to be a success or failure three things need to be considered, for  example, cost, schedule and performance. A project should be continued within the means provided otherwise stakeholders struggle to finance the project and its abandoned. A success of a manager is when appropriate tools are employed and sound safe decisions are made and follow on with applying substantial level of expertise to have effective cost management. The world today is surrounded by increasingly advanced technology such as computer assisted manufacturing and flexible manufacturing systems. According to Cokins and Hicks organizations to compete effectively need to understand the cost of each product or element of their value chain from product design and purchase of material therefore internal cost is very important as mentioned in Cokins and Hicks article because it becomes critical for competitive action and increasing shareholders wealth in the current globally competitive economy. Management accounting systems are the benefactors of the precarious internal cost information. There has been few criticisms leading to the literature of Management accounting system and it has been labeled outdated and there has been criticisms linked to its consistency as it has been thought that it does not provide consistent information with the current strategic management paradigm. Cokins and Hicks believe that systems designs elements should capture the fundamental technology, promote a business based on effective cost model, quality and lead time. Precise and appropriate cost information is critical to management’s decision making procedures (Cokins and Hicks) and the literature being studied reveals Management accounting system reflects the organizational complications of the current world however traditional Management accounting systems do not replicate current organizational era as all costing procedures were designed around late nineteenth century. In traditional era product line diversity was not very common and cost of materials and direct labour were the main components of production cost but the environment today is surrounded around advanced technology and automation and that has led the prime cost to be the overhead component. The overhead costs are altering product cost because of the old management accounting system techniques. Management accounting needs a unique set of skills and behaviour. According to Cokins and Hicks Accounting Management framework gives business a planned approach to address all factors that will manage accounts interface and todays reality. Cooper and Kaplan believe there are six critical factors which play a crucial role  in Accounting Management framework which also backs Cokins and Hicks journal being studied for this assignment. The first one is organizational structure. It includes factors such as whom and how you manage accounts, why and how you organize around them. The second account management success factor is people as they need the appropriate skills, knowledge and skills to experience and perform the role. The third factor is tools and technology as it must support the account management processes and must balance â€Å"help† as â€Å"control.† The fourth one is compensations structures as they can inhibit change or accelerate adoption. The fifth account management success factors are processes and methodologies as they should align with the customer, drive growth and opportunity plan and the last factor channels and alliances must be managed effectively through the account manager interface.it is up to an organization to structure their useful employees around their key customers and that can create a deep impact on their performance. First few deliberate decisions need to be taken in terms of placement of accounts management resources such as market and territory. Cokins and Hicks believe management team need to plan using methodology a number of factors to create a ranking based on the business goal for the affiliation and ability to deliver. Once these methodologies are selected they can play a vital role in team structure and it will help to deal with issues such as ownership or shareholders Cokins and Hicks discuss the difference between cost accounting and managerial accounting and the strength of their article is that managerial accounting is tied with GAAP whereas cost accounting is used within a business to manage that particular business. Accounting standards of a country provide guidelines to an accountant so they can be used while reporting economic transactions of a business. United Kingdom accounting has improved a lot as mentioned in the journal being studied for this particular assignment. Managers have immense pressure to improve financial management practices to improve service to the community and it is not only done on national level. Managerial accountants have to keep accountant standards fair globally and that is mainly done through Accounting Standards Committee. â€Å"What gets measured gets managed, What needs managed gets measured† (Peter Drucker) famous quotes has cause many criticisms but if the practices and development mentioned in Cokins and Hicks journal are to be analyzed, one can conclude this quote has some truth. Managers of a business  often use this quote indicates that active management of businesses should be given importance instead of accountability to gain desired goals. It w ill lead to survive in today’s world of information age competition therefore businesses should ensure they are using management systems resulting from their strengths. Any business main task is to develop an active measurement system as it is main part of the management process. Good management practices lead to using certain measures to plan, implement and improve certain aspects of an organization. According to Kaplan, (1994) measurement is a difficult task because it is not related to science so there are no facts and does not have rules between variables. Furthermore, systems which are used by management accountants will make sure that actions are taken according to the strategies and objectives developed. There has been an immense amount of research on management accountants and the research evidence has proved that businesses which are using a developed measurement system are developing and gaining profits therefore, Gates (1991) states â€Å"an organizations objectives and severity of measures, varies, depending on people, culture and past experiences of the organization.† The management accountant was developed after 1980s and it was seen a golden era in management accounting research as it saw new techniques and practices beneficial to the management accounting. One of the techniques developed in 80s was strategic management accounting and some of the processes which fall under the category of strategic management accounting are activity based costing and balance scorecard. The balance scorecard emerged after it was realized that there is a need of an integrated system which can be used to measure both financial and non-financial performances. It helps companies to view their performances on a regular basis and it gave a clear view of what should be measured in order to balance a particular business financial perspectives. The balance score card consists of four functions known as learning and growth perspective. It means how to achieve a certain organizations goals and how will a business will sustain its ability to change and improve. the second perspective is financial and its aim is to succeed financially and is mainly concerned with making a good impression to shareholders. Another perspective is based on customers as they can determine sales and to achieve business goals a good impression is to be made upon customers. The last perspective is known as internal business  processes. It mainly deals with how to satisfy customers and shareholders and what business processes must a certain business excel as. (Kaplan and Norton:1996) Balance scorecard is one of the necessities for any organization and it is used by the management to accomplish vision and strategies of an organization and it has few other benefits too such as, making sure managers are managing every single variable within an organization and are not working upon favoritism. If more developments are to be discussed and strength of Cokins and Hicks journal than one must not forget one of the major development in an accounting field known as Activity-based costing. Kaplan and Cooper gave this idea a new beginning as it was not very well known in previous years. According to Kaplan (1996) manufacturing costs are determined by amount of â€Å"activities† and the key to effective cost control is maintaining the effectiveness of the act ivities ABC recognizes better cost pools for indirect costs and then implies cost drivers to relate the expenses in the cost pools to activities of an organization. ABC has become more popular in recent years but faces a lot of criticisms too due to the fact that sometimes businesses face difficulties in implementing this technique. ABC is enhanced further by Activity-based management as they believe in planning and measurement and class them as key factors in a competitive business environment. To conclude, If an organization has accounts managers or not a success can only be achieved if a successful profile is valued. It can be done through an industry as it will help determine to what extent an account manager is an industry expert and the second is through customers as it is vital for an accountant to understand the businesses being worked upon. The profession Accountancy has seen many developments and criticisms however, since 1980s there has been many changes in management accountancy. The new changes are focusing on measurement tools within a business to manage its aims and objectives. Management techniques are discussed briefly in this essay and they emphasize on Cokins and Hicks journal that management decisions can be made better by using effective management measurement tools and it leads to improving the management of an organization. There can be problem with new measurement techniques as nothing in life comes with a guarantee however, new ideas can be used on the basis of guess work and the new contributions could be a way forward.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

What Does It Mean To Be Catholic Religion Essay

What Does It Mean To Be Catholic Religion Essay 2) A Presentation on Anglican Theology in Contemporary focus. This will be the equivalent to 2,000 words -students are encouraged to explore the possibility of using alternative forms of assessment such as artwork, liturgy, website design or other creative forms. What does it mean to be catholic in the Church of England today? Inheritance The English Reformation in the 16th century was unlike the disposition of the Continental Reformation (i.e. Luther, Zwingli and French-Calvinism). Whereas the Continental Reformation introduced changes in Church Order by eradicating the order of Bishops and priests, the English Reformation, led by the Monarch King Henry VIII, retained the order of the Church whilst embracing Reform. Henry VIII, a reformed catholic, wanted to guarantee the continuity of Englands Catholic Church and the teachings of the early Church Fathers in the Creeds. Elizabeth I, a Protestant Monarch, looked for a moderate position, a middle-way religion which tolerated Catholicism. This prevented division and dissent among her people and fashioned a stable English Church where its doctrines were laid down in the Thirty-Nine Articles of 1563, a compromise between Roman Catholics and Protestantism.(http://bookoflife.org/history/europe/northern_renaissance/calvin.htm Previous theologians in the English Church with high-church beliefs, were strongly convinced that the Church was Gods chosen instrument called forth over against the existing Protestant view that the Church was created as a convenient institute of the Christian Church body. The Oxford Movement (1833-1845) brought a reaction that changed everything. Key figures Keble and John-Henry Newman emphasized the importance of the historic continuity of the church signified by the apostolic succession of the bishops and its sacramental doctrine (Sykes. S. 1988. p.30) and were keen to go back to the pre-Reformation doctrine and liturgy maintained in most of the revised Prayer Books. (Jones.C.1992. p.108) The Catholic tradition has been reinforced by the Oxford Movement. An awareness of Catholic heritage entails being part of the universal Church of Jesus Christ in its fullest expression of faith treasured and continuous from the time of Constantine through the Middle Ages to today. It has stressed the importance of the visible Church and its sacraments and the belief that the ministry of bishops, priests and deacons is a sign and instrument of the Church of Englands Catholic and apostolic identity. (https://www.cofe.anglican.org/about/history/ index.html) and considered essential to the Church life and the Apostolic Ordering of the Church. Today there are many broad catholic groups in the Church of England; Anglo-Catholics, the Society of the Sacred Cross, Forward in Faith and Affirming Catholicism, These groups, however, are not always united. Their fragmentation dates to the Tractarian Revival and involves the question of the English Churchs identity and integrity. Within the last twenty years there have been tensions over the ordination of women to the sacred priesthood and more recently, over headship and consecration of women as Bishops. The fundamental issue is where the authority of the Church is located. Conservative and traditional Anglo-Catholics are in allegiance with Conservative Evangelicals in the Church of England over the leadership issue. Their belief is that Christ chose to ordain men (Mark 3: 13-19) and that the Apostles did not ordain women (Acts 1:12 -26). Priests, therefore, must be male to act in persona Christus and thus retain ecumenical census. Secondly, there is the teaching of St. Pauls I do not allow women to teach men or have authority over a man. (1Timothy 2:12) There is a sense of vitality when a church is living out the five affirmed marks of mission: proclaiming the Gospel, nurturing and baptizing new believers, transforming communities, loving service and speaking out against injustice and sustaining the earth while protecting the integrity of creation. (www.anglicancommunion.org) Signs of growth would include eventful worship, on-going evangelism and prayer among others. However, it is important to remember that most churches will not always be firing on all five cylinders of the marks of mission. Within Anglicanism the term churchmanship (low, broad and high) describes a distinctive comprehension of church doctrine and liturgical practices by Christians associated with the Church of England and world-wide Anglican Communion. High Churchmanship is referred to as the Anglo-Catholic tradition; a label derived from a sub-group who, influenced by the Oxford Movement, are part of a tradition that emphasizes the continuity with what has gone before; the Catholic tradition. Within high churchmanship there is a spectrum of catholic terminology; (Liberal/Inclusive, Traditional Anglo-Catholic, Modern / Moderate and Prayer -Book Catholics). Traditional Anglo-Catholics Most traditional Catholics are Papalists who see themselves under the authority of papal primacy without actually being in communion with the Roman Church. Full communion with Roman, Western and the Eastern Orthodox Church is desired because the Pope is seen, as being the Patriarch of the West under Roman jurisdiction. Anglo-Catholics have a devotion to our Blessed Virgin Mary under Marys title Our Lady of Walsingham. Theologically, for some Anglo-Catholics, having a devotion to the Eucharist may be more significant for their spiritual and personal prayer-life rather than the celebration of the Mass. The Church of England teaches that only two Sacraments are necessary for salvation; Baptism and Eucharist but there are Anglo-Catholic priests who hear confessions and anoint the sick. Roman Catholicism acknowledges these as part of their seven sacraments (Confession, Marriage, Baptism, Holy Orders, Confirmation, Eucharist and Unction) but would be considered as Rites in the Church of England. Doctrine AC doctrine believes the nature of the Church to be a divinely created instrument of Gods revelation to the world. It is sacramental in her essence and her imperative is to outward visible unity. Her doctrine takes note of history and ecumenical councils whilst responding to contemporary reflections. She proclaims more of a re-interpretation of the faith once delivered to the saints than a new formulation based on present fashion. The Thirty-Nine Articles of Faith make clear the distinctions between Anglican and Roman Catholic comprehension of doctrine. Whilst the Articles were written so to be open to interpretation, Anglo-Catholics protect Catholic practices and beliefs as being consistent with them. Liberal/Inclusive Catholics Liberal Catholics more readily embrace change and accept new insights in theology; liturgy and moral theology (i.e. issues surrounding homosexuality). The Liberal tradition has emphasized the importance of the use of reason in theological exploration. It has stressed the need to develop Christian belief and practice in order to respond creatively to wider advances in human knowledge and understanding and the importance of social and political action in forwarding Gods kingdom. (https://www.cofe.anglican.org/about/history/index.html) Liberal-Catholics seek to be inclusive and embrace the diversity of faith; rejoicing in working ecumenically and are generally more accommodating, with freedom and liberty. Modern Catholics Modern Catholics broadly accept the Tractarian/ Sacramental position. Within current theological debates, liberal thinking and the ordination and consecration of women is accepted. Prayer -Book Catholics Prayer- Book Catholics were loyal to the 1662 Book of Common -Prayer though prefaces such as Benedictus- qui -venit, Agnus- Die and prayer of oblation said as part of the canon by the priest, is preferable. PBC lean towards the late Medieval way of ceremony, church adornment and gothic vestments. Traditional Sarum -Rite applies an altar, set with a cross and two candles, framed by a cloth dossal and two side curtains. Sense and Sacramental Catholic spirituality experiences the presence and power of God sacramentally. The Holy Sacraments enable Christians to encounter the love and presence of God. Within liturgical celebrations catholic Christians use symbolic mannerisms; making the sign of the cross, incensing and anointing, genuflecting and bowing to the altar and before the Reservation of the Blessed Sacrament in recognising Gods presence. Participating in the Sacraments empowers a profound sacramental appreciation; where just as Christ is present in bread and wine (John 6: 51-58) many other facets of life can also be altered by Gods presence and supremacy. Liturgical Life and Practice Let my prayer rise before you like incense. (Psalm141: 2) Liturgy is not individualistic but is an action in which the whole church participates. The liturgical life of the church is crucial to catholic spirituality; holding fast to a rigorous public discipline of prayer life through saying the daily Offices. This complements the evangelical tradition whose emphasis is on a more personal devotion. The way people pray shapes their identity but a church that lives on extemporary prayer and a non- Eucharist worship does not have a catholic or Anglican identity. Catholic liturgy is well-ordered with the belief that liturgical worship emphasizes the meaning of being Christian within the world with the identity that history, Church and mission go together (Croft. A. 2008. p. 78). Anglo-Catholic liturgy is shaped by the six points of Eucharistic practice from the Tractarian Movement; Vestments, Eastward-facing Masses, Altar Lights, Un-Leavened bread and water mixed with the wine at Eucharist and using Incense. (http://anglicanhistory.org/ england/misc/bell_oxford1933.html) Priesthood The nature of the Church is to be a priestly body' (1 Peter 2: 5, 9-10). Ordained priests are called out by the Church as priests to the priestly community. All Catholics would agree about the belief in the Communion of Saints, offering prayers for the faithful departed, asking for the intercession of Saints, the importance of priests and the impossibility of lay presidency but would disagree on the issues of women and celibacy. Catholics believe that the ordained sacred priesthood is sacramental with some Anglo-Catholics encouraging their priests to live celibate lives. Priests are seen as a sacramental and visible presence of Christ and a high doctrine of what the Church can do as the people of God moving as the Spirit of God. The Church is the Sacrament of Christ, (Bunting. Ian.. 2006. p. 101) uniting us with God and Jesus Christ through word, sacrament and the recognition of the threefold orders of ministry. (Croft. S. 2008. p. 81) Christian sacraments offer the care and support of life from birth to death and within this sacramental framework, the priest makes-present the divine grace at every stage and in every need. (Macquarrie. J. 1966. p. 437) The Eucharist Catholics have a high sacramental view and doctrine manifesting itself in the importance of Baptism and Eucharist. The Catholic view is that on behalf of the congregation and the whole Church, the priest offers/pleads the salvific action of Christ on the cross (Hebrews 4: 14- 5:10) where Christ brings home the reality to us of the everlasting benefits of His victory (John 6: 53-57) renewing our Christian response, thanksgiving and abandonment to Him. There is a strong belief in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ through the consecration of the elements of Bread and Wine where, Communion with Christ in the Eucharist presupposes his true presence, effectually signified by the bread and wine which, in this mystery, become his body and blood. (http://www.antioch.com.sg/cgi-bin/Agora-Pub/get/expressions/54.html?nogifs) However, to understand the Real Presence by His body and blood, must be realized within the framework of Christs redemptive and saving acts. This means Christs offering of himself for humanity to be reconciled to God the Father, in harmony and in life within Jesus Christ himself. The Eucharist and the celebration of Eucharistic liturgy, defines the identity of being Catholic. The Eucharist is an enactment, a drama, event, participation and proclamation with every sense appealed to. Discipleship Catholics believe the Church is sacramental in being Christs presence within the world; called to embrace the world with the gracious and transforming love of Christ. Catholic life is energised by Christs ongoing presence in Scripture, in the sacramental life of the catholic tradition and within prayer and comprehension. Being catholic pastorally takes seriously the prayer, Let me see the face of Christ in all people in the poor, the orphans, the destitute and through rage and anger. A catholic and global faith confirms that the image of God is everywhere. (http://www.archbishopofcanterbury.org/1925) Bishop Weston wrote, You cannot claim to worship Jesus in the Tabernacle, if you do not pity Jesus in the slums.. (+Weston -1923 Anglo-Catholic Congress) It is one thing having Christ in the Tabernacle but unless Christians engage by serving and searching for Christ in the needy and suffering and wash their feet (John 13: 1-17) then the Eucharist means nothing. To be catholic is to be universal and embracing, taking on essentially an incarnational view of Gods activity in the world, connecting social and Catholicism with Christ in the Eucharist and Christ in the world. This is the heart of true Catholic discipleship.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

External Environment Macro Analysis Pest Analysis Marketing Essay

External Environment Macro Analysis Pest Analysis Marketing Essay Political -. European Union and world trade union had contributed massively in the globalisation that had promoted globalisation but due to recession especially in US and European market the governments of the countries have started pursuing protectionism policies. In UK and USA the government is promoting the policy of giving job opportunities to their citizens first then the outsiders. Such policies would bring a big change in strategy formulation of many companies. Economic the GDP growth of the developed countries have been falling in the last five years. Moreover the year 2009 would experience more big fall in GDP whereas the BRIC countries have shown good growth of more than 7% in last five years but due to recession in the world market there will be fall in their growth also due to global impact Social- due to globalization in last two decades a convergence approach has been observed the world over of accepting global brand irrespective of their culture. Purchasing power in developing countries have increased which had made them spending more on luxuries products. Similarly women and children segment has also become an active segment in the last one decade. Technological -globalization had given rise to tough competition among the MNC, they are investing huge amount on research and development to bring new improved products to attract customers. Providing differentiated products from the competitors is generally the aim of giant companies. external environment o t internal environment sW SWOT ANALYSIS BAT is engaged in the manufacture, marketing and sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products. The groups brand portfolio includes over 300 global and regional brands. Strong brands provide the group with the flexibility to frequently launch new products as brand extensions. strong brands provide a competitive advantage to the group in the market place. However, increasing advertisement restrictions may negatively impact the group sales, as advertising is important in driving tobacco sales. Strengths Strong brand portfolio The groups brand portfolio includes over 300 global and regional brands. The groups Global Drive Brands (GDB) including Kent, Dunhill, Lucky Strike and Pall Mall, account for more than 26% of the group global volumes. Strong brands provide the group with the flexibility to frequently launch new products as brand extensions. More importantly, strong brands provide a competitive advantage to the group in the market place. Diversified revenue streams BAT has a wide geographic presence. It operates in 180 markets in Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and the American Pacific region through a large number of subsidiaries and associate companies. Continuous orientation towards research and development The group has been continuously strengthening its research and development (RD) activities in recent past. The group devotes significant resources and attention to product development, process technology and consumer insight research to develop consumer-preferred products with innovative and distinctive features. This is evident from the fact that the group incurred  £105.1 million in the RD activities in FY2008. The RD provides support for the groups current range of products . It also provides guidance on the use of ingredients in products to help to improve the quality and standard of the products as well as comply with national legislative requirements. RD initiative helps BAT to innovate and introduce new products in line with changing consumer preferences. Weaknesses Low employee productivity BATs revenue per employee is lower than that of its closest competitor.The group recorded revenues of  £12,122 million in FY2008, with a total number of 56,170 employees. The groups revenue per employee stood at $400,365.0 in FY2008, significantly lower than that of its closest competitor, Imperial Tobacco. In FY2008, the revenue per employee of Imperial Tobacco stood at $952,078.4, Lack of scale The group lacks scale when compared to its competitors in the market. Many of its competitors, such as Philip Morris International and Imperial Tobacco are much larger in size and in terms of revenues. Philip Morris $63,640.0, Imperial Tobacco  £20,528 BAT,  £12,122 million in FY2008. The groups small scale of operations could turn out to be a disadvantage in the fiercely competitive market. Lack of scale also reduces the bargaining power of the group. Opportunities Acquisitions to strengthen the market position The group has entered into some strategic acquisitions in the recent past. As a result of these acquisitions, the company now has a much stronger market position in Turkey, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Poland and both acquisitions have performed in line with expectations, while contributing positively to earnings. These strategic acquisitions would continue to benefit the group in future as well. Growing global tobacco industry The global tobacco industry is forecasted to witness growth through 2013. Volume declines are evident in developed markets. However, some developing markets in Eastern Europe and East Asia are recording growth. The performance of the industry is forecast to accelerate, with an anticipated CAGR of 4.1% for the five-year period 2008-13, . This would give a positive boost to the revenues of groups overall business. Declining oil prices The oil prices have been declining in the international markets. declining oil prices is likely to positively affect the groups operations. Declining oil prices would reduce its cost, thus enabling it to increase its operating margins. Threats Increasing advertising restrictions Advertising, promotion and brand building, which are critical to the tobacco industry, are facing increasing regulatory obstacles across the globe. Growing illicit trade Illicit trade in the form of counterfeit products, smuggled genuine products and locally manufactured products on which applicable taxes are evaded, represents a significant and growing threat to the legitimate tobacco industry. The illicit trade constitutes a larger portion of the total tobacco industry across the world. Economic slowdown in Euro zone BAT derives major portion of its revenues from the European market Representing 39.1% of the total revenue. A weak economic outlook for the Euro zone is likely to depress the demand for the groups products, impacting the revenues of the group in the immediate future. external environment FIVE FORCES ANALYSIS Buyer Power The main retail outlets for the US tobacco market include independent retailers, service stations, and supermarkets/hypermarkets. The concentration of retail outlets selling tobacco products is relatively low here, as there are number of outlets where the products can be sold. In the US, independent retailers are the most predominant distribution channel, with 27.6% share of total distribution Furthermore, tobacco products are not the only products sold by most retailers and in most cases retailers are not reliant upon tobacco sales thus boosting buyer power. Customers are likely to be susceptible to brands, so potential pull-through of end-consumer demand on retailers exists, weakening buyer power somewhat. Overall, buyer power is moderate. Supplier Power Tobacco is an agricultural product and therefore key suppliers to the tobacco market include tobacco leaf farmers. These farmers lack power in the supply chain due to their smaller size, with many farms being family run businesses, particularly those in developing countries. Further inputs to the market include processing aids, humectants (which keep the tobacco moist and pliable), preservatives and brandspecific flavors. Other key inputs include packaging materials, such as paper/card, plastic, and foil to protect and preserve the products of this market. More specifically, packaging manufacturers supply the market with in-line rotogravure printed hinge-lid blanks and soft packs, RYO (Roll Your Own) tobacco booklet covers, as well as printed OPP film (Oriented Polypropylene film), bundle wraps and tobacco pouches. Due to the relative size of such suppliers, their respective influence over the market is increased. There are limited alternative raw materials in this market, so players are unlikely to switch between suppliers boosting their power somewhat. Overall, supplier power is moderate. New Entrants The dominance of existing brands is notable within the US tobacco market, with leading players such as Altria Group or Reynolds American benefiting from scale economies. Legislation and Government regulation with regards to smoking also continues to get more and more stringent within this market, i.e. a complete ban for smoking in public places has been implemented in a number of states. Current tobacco control strategies seek primarily to decrease the demand for cigarettes through measures that encourage individuals to adopt healthier behaviors, raising entry barriers. Such regulations could effectively deter the threat of new entrants. Furthermore, shelf-space in retail outlets is finite and retailers may be unwilling to substitute other established brands in order to stock those of an entirely new, unproved brand. Overall, there is a moderate from new entrants to the US tobacco market. Substitutes Tobacco products are non-durable goods, and substitutes for tobacco products may include various other non-durable consumer goods, for example nicotine gum, nicotine patches, and herbal cigarettes. However, there are inter-segmental substitutes apparent within this market, alternatives to cigarettes and fine cut tobacco products include: smokeless tobaccos, cigars and pipe tobacco. Players and consumers alike may substitute one tobacco product for another, with players who specialize in the manufacture of cigarettes diversifying into cigars as an example. However, inter-segmental substitution still involves essentially the same product. The benefits of substituting tobacco products for alternate non-durable consumer goods are especially notable in concern to consumer health, largely due to the health risks associated with smoking (e.g. increased risk of lung cancer, heart disease etc.). These alternative products fulfill consumers need for nicotine, without the harmful effects of inhaling smoke. Unlike tobacco products that face restrictions on advertising in many markets, nicotine replacement products are highly promoted through a variety of media. Overall, there is a strong threat from substitutes to the US tobacco market. Rivalry The US tobacco market is concentrated, with Altria Group and Reynolds American collectively holding over 76% share of the markets value. Product differentiation is essentially limited between the core tobacco products, which include: chewing tobacco, cigars and cigarillos, cigarettes and loose tobacco, which increases rivalry. Illicit tobacco supplies have a negative impact upon players revenues and it is estimated that over 10% of tobacco consumption (around 600 billion cigarettes) a year, globally, is supplied by smuggled or counterfeit trade, which will serve to boost rivalry. Overall, there is a moderate degree of rivalry in the US market. Company analysis MARKET SEGMENTATION I Cigarette sales constitute the largest share of the US tobacco market, accounting for 93% of the total revenues. In comparison, sales of chewing tobacco generate 3.3% of the markets value. MARKET SEGMENTATION II The United States accounts for 21.8% of the global tobacco markets value. In comparison, Europe generates 41.2% of the markets revenues. Company analysis COMPANY VIEW A statement by Jan du Plessis, Chairman at BAT is given below. company strategy: growth, productivity, responsibility and building a winning organization. Growth company continued focus on our 4 Global Drive Brands (GDBs) has played a major role in these achievements. Last year, our 4 GDBs grew by 16 per cent, with about a quarter of the increase attributable to successful brand migrations. Kent rose by 18 per cent and Pall Mall by 22 per cent Lucky Strike increased by 9 per cent and Dunhill by 7 per cent. GDB volume now represents over 26 per cent of our total volume, providing us with a significant opportunity to add scale to our key competitive innovations. Productivity We have also made further progress with our productivity savings and we are very much on track towards our target of reducing our costs by  £800 million by 2012, Responsibility In 2008, for the seventh year running, we were included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes and we published our first Sustainability Report. Winning organization Employee opinion at British American Tobacco compared favorably with other FMCG companies in the comparator group. Earnings, dividends and share buy-back Adjusted diluted earnings per share grew by 19 per cent to 128.8p. the benefit from the share buy-back programme were partially offset by higher net finance costs, a higher tax rate and an increase in minority interests. Liquidity Arguably the most satisfying feature of our results last year was the high level of cash generation. Free cash flow rose 52 per cent. they continue to maintain investment grade credit ratings. Outlook We remain alert to the possibility of down trading. However, our well balanced portfolio of brands covers all major price points, while our geographic diversity further mitigates the risks for shareholders. We are very much aware of the potential challenges but the inherent strength of our businesses, our brands and our people should make us more resilient than most. Current strategy ACQUISITIONS AND MERGERS It is one the most popular strategies which are being used by the modern corporate for the purpose of diversification. In this most of the tobacco industry it is becoming increasingly popular strategies for the purpose of acquiring market leadership In this BAT are tried to acquire many companies globly for its core competencies, market shares, brands well known R and D and their special technologies The main reasons for acquisition and mergers are the following: It is the strategy by which the BAT is trying to get market leadership and as an edge over its rivals especially in the tobacco industry . BAT is operating in the tobacco industry is attempting mergers and acquisitions as strategy for expanding operations in the world. By using the strategy the corporate are trying to increase their geographical coverage which is a most crucial strategy or technique by which it is a able to target its final consumers thus it is an effective strategy by which the customers are being targeted in a short span for its main benefit is the integration which helps the firms to increase their outlets. Acquisitions and mergers helps in expanding of the output that leads to achievement of economies of scope which in turn increases the earning capacity or the profit margins of the firms using such a strategy. This helps in the using of the brand name of BAT by the acquiring firm which helps in providing benefits to BAT, by using strong brand name for increasing their customer force. ACQUISITIONS AND MERGERS PROBLEMS Problems of integration- if the subsidiary organization is not able effectively integrate with the parent organizations operation then the whole exercise of acquisitions and mergers can be into a big problem. In case of BAT has always maintained its independence and culture. Problems concerning the human resources-If the resources especially its human resources are not being utilized properly in accordance then in such cases the usage of such strategies for the purpose of acquiring company can be futile Problems concerning the conversion of the subsidiary company into the parent companies culture- The acquiring company has to ensure that the subsidiary company should not have much problem in converting in accordance to the BAT framework. Future entry strategy There are many ways to enter the foreign market as explained in the diagram above Acquisitions Probably the most important reason for this method of market expansion is that associated with the particular assets of the company: brands, market share, core competencies and special technologies may all represent reasons for purchase Mergers. Mergers are similar to acquisitions in the sense of two companies combining. However, mergers usually arise because neither company has the scale to acquire the other on its own. Joint ventures and alliances-A joint venture is the formation of a company whose shares are owned jointly by two parent companies. It usually shares some of the assets and skills of both parents. Cereal Partners Inc. is a 50/50 joint venture between Nestle and General Mills (US) whose purpose is to attack Kelloggs breakfast cereals Franchise-A franchise is a form of licensing agreement in which the contractor provides the licensee with a pre-formed package of activity. It may include a brand name, technical service expertise and some advertising assistance. Payment is usually a percentage of turnover. McDonalds Restaurants are among the best-known franchises. theory The main advantages and disadvantages of the various methods of market expansion are summarised Methods of expansion: advantages and disadvantages- Advantages Disadvantages Acquisition à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Can be relatively fast à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Premium paid: expensive à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ May reduce competition from a rival, although such a move usually has to be sanctioned by government competition authorities à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ High risk if wrong company targeted à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Best targets may have already been acquired à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Cost savings from economies of scale or savings in shared overheads à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Not always easy to dispose of unwanted parts of company à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Maintenance of company exclusivity in technical expertise à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Human relations problems that can arise after the acquisition: probably the cause of more failures than any other à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Extend to new geographical area à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Problems of clash of national cultures, particularly where target foreign à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Buy market size and share à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Financial reasons associated with purchase of undervalued assets that may then be resold Joint venture à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Builds scale quickly Control lost to some extent à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Obtains special expertise quickly à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Works best where both parties contribute something different to the mix à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Cheaper than acquisition à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Can be difficult to manage because of need to share and because parent companies may interfere à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Can be used where outright acquisition not feasible à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Share profits with partner Control lost to some extent à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Can be used where similar product available Alliance à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Can build close contacts with partner à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Slow and plodding approach à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Uses joint expertise and commitment à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Needs constant work to keep relationship sound à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Allows potential partners to learn about à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Partners may only have a limited joint commitment to make alliance a success each other à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Unlikely to build economies of scale à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Locks out other competitors à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Slow and plodding approach Franchise à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Lower investment than outright purchase à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Depends on quality of franchise à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Some of basic testing of business proposition undertaken by franchise holder: lower risk à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Part of profits paid over to franchise holder à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Exclusive territory usually granted à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Risk that business built and franchise withdrawn à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Lower investment than outright purchase à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Some of basic testing of business proposition Future entry strategy Three main criteria for deciding how to invest or enter new market are Risk of losing proprietary information in case of direct investment and exporting the risk is very low, whereas in case of licensing and joint venture risk is medium) Resources if company has less resources it should go for licensing and exporting, if it has medium resources it should go for joint venture and if has high resources then direct investment Control if company wants to have full control it should go for direct investment or export with own staff, if medium control then joint venture and licensing and low control then exporting with middlemen in case of BAT the firm should go for acquisition merger because it would give the company full control on the brands of the acquired company. thus freedom to take their own decisions. Secondly the risk of losing proprietory information would be very less as acquired company would not copy such information Thirdly the company has enough resources to go for such move Current strategy or company analysis Marketing mix strategy While entering in different countries BAT has to take decision or formulate strategy relating to four factors of marketing mix -product -promotion price place BAT would be mainly has to decide about the Problem relating to standardization or adaption-Standardising or adapting the international marketing mix Product as BAT has to enter in the new market they have to take decision relating to product positioning and formulation. The company has to analyse the culture of the country and then take appropriate decision whether to use same brand names or to lanch changed brands or products in the market. the changes if required might be done in many areas like design, service offering, brand name, pack design Promotion- BAT has to decide whether advertising proposition, creative presentation, sales promotion, personal selling style needs changes or not. Generally if the products are changed that definitely requires changes in promotion strategy according to the culture Price especially in case of developing countries prices pay major role on the decision of the customers purchase. Therefore appropriate decision have to be taken by BAT for price, discount structure, credit terms distribution channels- distribution channels have to used which are more famous in the new market to reach the products to customers in time. Therefore the company need to make changes in such direction. Future strategy Ansoff matrix In market penetration, a firm seeks to expand the sales of its present products in its present markets through more intensive distribution, aggressive promotion, and competitive pricing. In market development, a firm seeks greater sales of present products from new markets or new product uses. It can enter new markets, appeal to segments it is not yet satisfying, reposition products, and use new distribution methods. In product development, a firm develops new or modified products to appeal to present markets. It emphasizes new models, better quality, and other minor innovations and markets them to loyal consumers. In diversification, a firm becomes involved with new products aimed at new markets. The products may be new to the industry or to the company. Distribution and promotion orientations are different from those traditionally used by the firm. BAT would be using market development strategy to avoid many problems like illegal trading of their products in the market where they havent entered. The main reasons for choosing this strategy are BAT has good experience in entering successfully in new market, at present they are already in 113 countries. BAT has to aggressively pursue this strategy to increase its sales where the market is showing high growth Through this strategy the company can avoid illegal trading of their products in the market where they have not entered. Current strategy generic strategies We begin our exploration of environment-based options by considering the generic Definition strategies first outlined by Professor Michael Porter of Harvard Business School. Generic strategies are the three basic strategies of cost leadership, differentiation and focus (sometimes called niche) open to any business. The Porter generic strategy model identifies two key planning concepts and the alternatives available for each: i) Competitive scope (broad or narrow target). It is possible to target the organisations products as a broad target covering most of the market place or to pick a narrow target and focus on a niche within the market. ii) Competitive advantage (lower cost or differentiation). There are fundamentally only two sources of competitive advantage. These are differentiation of products from competitors and low costs. The following three basic strategies are identified (see Figure): Cost leadership-broad market and low cost position. Differentiation-large market and unique strategy. Focus-narrow target segment and either low cost position or a unique strategy. Cost leader ship and differentiation strategies are alternatives for large firms; a focus strategy isavailable to smaller firms. Porter modified the concept to split the niche sector into: niche differentiation niche low-cost leadership. Cost Leadership strategy: this generic strategy calls for being the low cost producer in an industry for a given level of quality. The firm sells its products either at average industry prices to earn a profit higher than that of rivals or below the average industry prices to gain market share. The cost leadership strategy usually targets a broad market ii. Differentiation Strategy : This strategy calls for the development of a product or service that offers a unique attributes that are valued by the customers and customers perceive to be better than or different from the products of the competition. The value added by the uniqueness of the product may allow the firm to charge a premium price for it. The firm hopes that the higher price will more than cover the extra costs incurred in offering the unique product. Firms that succeed in differntiation strategy often have the following internal strengths: Access to leading scientific research. Highly skilled and creative product development team. Strong sales team with the ability to successfully communicate the perceives strengths of the iii. Focus Strategy : this strategy focus on narrow segment and within that segment attempts to achieve either a cost advantage or differentiation. The premise is that the needs of the group can be better serviced by focussing entirely on it. A firm using a focus strategy often enjoys a high degree of customer loyalty and this entrenched loyalty discourages other firms from competing directly differentiation focus super premium ice cream segment; cost focus economy ice cream segment. In the global car market, Rolls-Royce and Ferrari are clearly niche players they have only a minute percentage of the market worldwide. Their niche is premium product and premium price. BAT should pursue cost leadership strategy because -as the company is using its financial resources in acquiring other companies therefore the company should pursue strategy in which they can earn more profit by spending less or by reducing the cost of production. This strategy would enable the company to earn more profit. Company current analysis BCG Model- product portfolio The BCG Matrix, named after the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), is perhaps the most famous 22 matrix. The matrix measures a companys relative market share on the horizontal axis and its growth rate on the vertical axis. market growth rate for each product, the market growth rate of the product category. Market growth rate is important because markets that are growing rapidly offer more opportunities for sales than lower growth markets. THE GROWTH SHARE MATRIX- the market growth rate on the vertical axis indicates the annual growth rate of the market in which the business operates. It ranges from 0 to 20 percent. A market growth rate above 10 percent is considered high. Relative market share, which is measured on the horizontal axis, refers to the SBUs market share relative to that of its largest competitor in the segment. The growth share matrix is divided into four cells, each indicating a different type of business: stars cash flow question mark dogs high growth high share low growth high share high growth low share low growth low share in this case the business is likely to generate enough cash to be self sustaining Firm can further promote Expand more in the service and product. Invest in R and D Stars are high-growth, high-share businesses. Very often, they need heavy investment for financing their rapid growth. Eventually, their growth slows down and they turn into cash cows. in this case business can be used to support the other business unit -due to high share these units are generating cash to support other sbu They may generate enough surplus to maintain themselves. due to low share the business unit is not able to maintain market share Question marks, are low-share business units, in a high-growth market. -They require a lot of cash, for maintaining the market share. -Any business has to think between building a question mark into stars or whether they have to be phased out. in this case the business is a cash trap as both are low -limited future short term focus and avoid risky projects. Dogs are low-growth and low-share businesses. Current situation BCG matrix Many of the brand of BAT are in star position in certain countries and some are in cash cow position in certain countries, some are in question mark and certain are in dogs position. Benson and hedges, dunhill, lucky 7 and john player are in star position in many countries. These brands are having good market share and good market growth therefore the company should keep investing in such brands. In case of 555 and Viceroy they are in cash cow position in certain developed countries where the market growth has decreased but